
Monday, 14 November 2011

From my data I can see that my fitness laps are getting better every week.

My fitness goal is to try to run 17 laps.

Friday, 11 November 2011

My Beautiful Place

Far beyond the edge of the world is my beautiful place...

Aitutaki. I could see beautiful bright clear water with beautiful clear scaly fish swimming around. I could see light brown coconuts falling from tall coconut trees. When I looked ahead of me I could see a beautiful sunset looking right at me.

I could hear waves smashing in together as it got to shore. I could hear booming coconuts falling from the tall coconut tree as the wind went blowing past. As I walked by I could hear doors opening and shutting.

As I felt the breezy beautiful clear water, it was warm. The touch of a nice smooth coconut tree gave me the shivvers. A touch of a beautiful brown house that feels like flax. As I felt the coconut it had rough roundness.

As I walked by a smoothie store I could taste the juicy coconut. I could taste the wind that was going by. When I was walking by I could taste the sad that was washed by. I could taste the coconut dessert people were making.

I could smell fresh coconut while I walked by. I could smell the nice fresh clear fresh water and the sand that got washed back to shore by the big waves. I could smell the fish in the fresh clear water.

This beautiful place will exist for ever in my mind and heart. I hope you get to visit my beautiful place one day.