Title - What Ho-ow?
Orientation - As I saw it standing there breathless stturing. I was scared; then again wondering what a tiger is doing in a bathroom. I was looking at the tiger it bleared back at me with some kind of look, it scared me. The tiger turned around looking at the playful kids playing outside the sun shining. I tiptoed over to the tap, trying to wash my hands...
Problem - As I was saying. He turned around frightened me I screamed, he growled. I ran out with fair grabbed my friend and ran back, I could tell we were both scared but this was our only chance. We jumped on top of the bench and forced the tiger to get out of the bathroom, no doubt he didn’t even understand a word I just said. He just growled we screamed he came closer and closer every step 2 seconds my heart beat faster than it has ever done. We were jumping up and down because it was coming closer and closer it scared me. He nearly bit me and my friend we jumped as high as we could it was scary.
Solution - We both jumped off the bench and patted the lion he looked frightened, he looked scared we both didn't know that he was frightened but didn't know how he got into the bathroom we started to pat the poor tiger we took him out of the bathroom and back to where he came from. Now I wonder how a tiger got into a bathroom and how a tiger escaped from zoo.